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I recorded the Bulls-Cavs game that happened a few hours ago and I’m about to watch it now before bed (yes I know I’m up really late already).

Before I came on I checked on Twitter and saw that Bulls and Rose were trending (but not the Cavs or Lebron). I don’t know what that means but I don’t think anyone would be posting about them unless something of significance happened tonight. But the thing is, I don’t know if it’s going to be something amazing or something really terrible.

So I’m really worried and excited at the same time but I know this could go either way and I need to be able to deal with that and I don’t know if I can. I mean of course I can but look, I’m really excited for this season and feel more optimistic about the Bulls than I have since 2011. And yet that’s about half belief and half hope, there’s so many really good teams out there and anything could happen so you just never know.

btw LeBron coming back was really cool even if it did get blown out of proportion. I like him and hope that doesn’t change because why should you hate people you don’t even know?

edit: I shouldn’t have made this post and he’s going to be fine.

This does, however, set the table for the next post I’m going to make, which is pretty much done but might show up in a drastically edited form if I know what’s good for me*.

*edit 2 (Nov. 10): I’ve decided that’s a post I would definitely be better off not publishing. Trust me.

edit 3 (Nov 14): I kind of want to throw up right now.

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